Extremism is really by product of misinformation, or that’s what the collectivists will chant as the work to inculcate kids earlier. New studies claim that AI can ward off the effects of conspiracy theory. Plus updates on election, Gotion and CCP Company Rebranding
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Eva Prausner And Raiders of The Lost Nazis
Frau Prausner – not to be confused with Frau Blucher – runs a support group in Berlin on how to prevent your kid from becoming a right-wing hate machine.
Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin’s largest daily newspaper, interviewed Prausner on her advice for parents who find themselves forced to deal with their evil, right-leaning spawn. The product is a prescient write-up for the ages bearing the headline “Help, my child is turning right-wing! Eight tips for democratic parents with undemocratic children.”
Do parents still have any influence over their AfD-voting children?. Alas, Prausner is not very certain that they do, but she believes that democratic parents “should at least try” to rescue their children from the grave heresy of voting for the wrong political parties. Children in Brandenburg are particularly endangered, because Brandenburg is largely rural, and Prausner has discovered that the countryside is absolutely dripping with “condensed prejudicial attitudes.”
Unfortunately, according to Prausner, modern-day Nazism is largely asymptomatic, yielding “fewer and fewer clear signs.”
When you speak so disparagingly about people, it hurts me. I don’t want you to discriminate against your fellow students.”
No Physical Training
Prausner warns in particular that sending your boy off to martial arts training might just serve to entrench his fascism further.
Seek safety from the herd. Group confrontation, not to be confused with a struggle session.
“It helps,” Prausner says, “when young people are confronted with a group that disapproves of their behaviour.
AI For Re-education
Durably reducing conspiracy beliefs through dialogues with AI
2190 conspiracy believers in personalized evidence-based dialogues with GPT-4 Turbo. The intervention reduced conspiracy belief by ~20%. The effect remained 2 months later, generalized across a wide range of conspiracy theories, and occurred even among participants with deeply entrenched beliefs.
The AI chatbot’s ability to sustain tailored counterarguments and personalized in-depth conversations reduced their beliefs in conspiracies for months, challenging research suggesting that such beliefs are impervious to change. This intervention illustrates how deploying AI may mitigate conflicts and serve society.
To assess the persistence of this effect, we recontacted participants 10 days and 2 months later for a short follow-up in which they once again completed the outcome measures. We found no significant change in belief in the focal conspiracy theory from immediately after the AI conversation to either 10 days or 2 months later
Have no fears they hired a professional Fact Checker to ensure all propaganda fed to the study participants was 98% accurate.
Although it was not possible for us to ensure that all the claims produced by the AI in our experiment were accurate, we hired a professional fact-checker to evaluate the veracity and potential bias of all 128 claims made by GPT-4 Turbo across representative example conversations from each of the 11 major conspiracy clusters generated by participants in our experiments
Study Conclusion
More specifically, AI models are powerful, flexible tools for reducing epistemically suspect beliefs and have the potential to be deployed to provide accurate information at scale. For example, internet search terms related to conspiracies could be met with AI-generated summaries of accurate information—tailored to the precise search—that solicit the user’s response and engagement. Similarly, AI-powered social media accounts could reply to users who share inaccurate conspiracy-related content (providing corrective information for the potential benefit of both the poster and observers). Consistent with the potential for uptake of AI dialogues, some conspiracy-believing respondents in our sample expressed excitement and appreciation in their conversations with the AI
What Are We Counting By Hand?
A controversial rule passed by the Georgia State Election Board on Friday will require all of the state’s voting precincts to hand-count ballots and ensure the tallies match machine counts before their deadline to certify election results.
The rule has sparked bipartisan criticism from opponents who say it will delay results and create space for election meddlers to spread disinformation and block certifying the actual victor.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said in an Aug. 15 statement that having polling locations hand-count ballots jeopardizes ballot security and risks dangerous delays.
In Michigan, bipartisan election officials from battleground states outline election safeguards
Registrations will NEVER be cleaned up because we have removed agency and responsibility and placed it at the state level.
In looking at another issue, removing deceased voters from voter rolls, Posthumus Lyons explained that while County Clerks in Michigan do not have the authority to remove deceased voters from the rolls, they perform monthly checks to flag deceased voters to local clerks, who must then remove those voters. These checks also get more frequent as an election approaches, she said.
Gotion: We’re Not The CCP
A Chinese battery maker leveraging $715 million in taxpayer subsidies to build a plant in Big Rapids doesn’t want its president to testify about the project that has become a flashpoint in the 2024 election.
Gotion sued Green Charter Township in U.S. District Court in March for allegedly breaching a development contract signed by the previous township board, which was recalled from office amid fierce public opposition to the company’s plans to construct the multi-billion dollar battery component plant to feed the electric vehicle industry.
As part of the case, Gotion requested private communications between local residents opposed to the project and township officials, but when GCT sought to depose Gotion President Chen Li, the company filed a “motion for protective order prohibiting the deposition.”
“Like many high-level officials of large companies, Chen Li, President of Gotion, Inc. (‘Gotion’), has had limited personal involvement in Gotion’s ongoing efforts to establish a battery component manufacturing plant and industrial park in Mecosta County,” the motion read. “As it relates to the formation of the Development Agreement, which is the subject of this dispute, Li’s sole involvement was signing the Development Agreement after it was negotiated by other Gotion employees who are responsible for the day-to-day operations.”
“It is clear that the Township’s true aim in deposing Li is to exploit his Chinese nationality for purposes unrelated to the legal substance of this litigation: the Township’s breach of the development agreement,” Gotion attorneys wrote to U.S. District Judge Jane Beckering.
Laurie Brock has held out selling her property to Gotion. There has been a price.
Stopping the Chinese Advance on Rural Michigan
There will be carrots: promises of community investment, eye-popping offers for your land. Brock was once offered $22 million for her property. Enough money to move anywhere and retire in comfort.
There will also be sticks. Brock had a horse poisoned to death. She’s been investigated by the state agricultural department. Her real-estate practice was bombed with 1-star reviews.
Mackinac Center Suing MEDC For Failure of Disclosure
If you recall, MEDC is the corporation that is empowered to distribute money on the behalf of the State of Michigan
Show Notes: Michigan Mission: Gotion in Motion
The Mackinac Center for Public Policy and Michigan Rising Action sued the Michigan Economic Development Corporation Sept. 12, alleging a violation of the Freedom of Information Act.
Michigan Rising filed a records request in late May, asking for the economic development corporation’s communications with American Lidar Inc., a Michigan company linked to the Chinese Hesai Group. The state agency distributes taxpayer-funded subsidies.
CCP Companies are Rebranding
In December, a new company registered in Michigan: American Lidar. Its planned home would be an easy drive from the big three U.S. automakers.
The company behind American Lidar, and not mentioned in its registration, is China-based lidar maker Hesai Group, which the U.S. has labeled a security concern. It is a familiar playbook: A company facing regulatory or reputational problems sets up a subsidiary or affiliate with a different name.
A new proposed ban from Congress targets Chinese drone maker DJI. The legislation is, in effect, a broad prohibition on the use of DJI drones by consumers as well as governments. The U.S. has warned that DJI might be sending data from its drones to Beijing and that its drones aid in human-rights abuses in China.
Great Replacement At Work: Importing Immigrant Workers
Dan Gilbert, Benefactor for Detroit says we need population.
“It’s absolutely absurd that thousands and thousands of … our kids graduate from Michigan, Michigan State, Wayne State and all over the state,” only to move after graduation, Gilbert said. “Lot of taxpayer dollars, and certainly a lot of mom and dad dollars invested in their children, only for cities like Chicago, New York, Boston, L.A. and Seattle benefit from it. It’s nuts.”
A Michigan waterpark is under investigation for allegedly bussing illegal immigrants from Chicago to work at the facility, where a dispute about pay over the weekend uncovered bigger issues.
The manager of the waterpark hotel Splash Universe in Dundee called police around 6:50 p.m. on Saturday to report a female employee threw a phone and hit him in the head, but once officers arrived, none of a group of five employees spoke English, WTVG reports.