AI Voice Clones and Restrictions

AI Voice Clones and Restrictions

Articles, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Some Interesting AI Capabilities and Restrictions While it is easy to clone voices online, there are restrictions in place when it comes to political figures.  What is interesting is that these restrictions haven't stopped anyone. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The awkward phone call with Vice President Kamala Harris and supposed Joe Biden raised many questions.  For years we have heard prank phone calls from celebrities, and while there are some excellent deep fakes of Joe Biden out there, it does beg the question why Biden couldn't appear via video conference.  The only thing we heard was his voice, and some stilted sentences.We have been interested in AI as a tool for analyzing trends and demographics, that has been a huge part of our work on Severed Conscience, but voice…
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Articles, OZ Fest, Tribe Members
Pinehurst Trying to Move Library Closer to Reality | News | thepilot.comSometimes, in life, you are put into a situation that could be a huge mistake, or it could be thebest thing you’ve ever done in your personal and business life.  This situation happened to me last year. In fact, almost one year ago. By Grammy Pam / @grammypam64gill Sometimes, in life, you are put into a situation that could be a huge mistake, or it could be the best thing you’ve ever done in your personal and business life. This situation happened to me last year. In fact, almost one year ago. Some of you may remember, Joe was involved in an auto accident in Durham. That same day, I was working a deal for a local, historical generational home. I…
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Obfuscation In Plain Sight

Obfuscation In Plain Sight

We hear the promise of "transparency" so much it's as though we are surrounded by leaders and systems that are perpetually truthful.  So why does it feel like we're wrapped in a sound proof blanket, gasping for breath?  Why are we herded into new cathedrals with "Transparency" as the hymn? Warning:  There are concepts and images contain that should not be shown to children. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] There was a time when we gained strength from our communities.  And by communities I mean that in the traditional sense where we were physically present with people on a regular basis.  A town square with a summer community band, a church, a garage band.  Those groups where we grew up with friends, we fell in love, had our hearts broken,…
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The Militarized State of Washington

The Militarized State of Washington

By Orange
Joe Biden believes that Democracy Thrives under the guise of his Leadership- yet History paints his weak participation of his former investments as a purging of the American Dream.   By Orange [shared_counts]Yet how can we as observers really not recognize this?You notice I did not emphasize to draw the question to Americans? Because to assist such a semblance with the notion to call you an American, is radical, biased and under this administration, they’re doing the best they can to remove any kind of lip service to the idea of the word. American, or the dirty thought of being one in a Joe/Harris Administration doesn’t fall in line with the position of their Social Justice reform policy that they have worked so hard to enact. And by that, I…
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Michigan Leads The Way In New Green Deal, But At What Cost

Michigan Leads The Way In New Green Deal, But At What Cost

Articles, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The unspoken truths of clean energy are the important ones Has any of our leaders uttered the word "rationing" when describing this new  clean energy utopia they are constructing for us? By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The promise of a brighter future has been a center piece of our political leaders’ discourse they use to convince the public that their tax dollars are well spent. Prosperity is measured by the number of public construction projects, and the private-public partnership alliances that bring new jobs to a region. Lately the promise of reinventing our entire energy sector of our economy has been added to the yearly promises our leaders offer as justification to keep their jobs.  Community planning and renewal is tied with clean energy. Dirty energy - what we have…
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It’s Not Science, Its DATA!

It’s Not Science, Its DATA!

By Orange, Severed Conscience
Data driven polls, Data driven survey’s, Data Driven Health, Data driven Experts.   By Orange It is all imposed onto you with the impression of helping the way we think about each other, our communities, ourselves and most importantly, our future. The Ai, ChatGPT, polling, surveys, clicks, likes and the list goes on, all generated to develop an Image of you. Your Interest, Dislikes and Responses are all captured to help create a world that you do not really know. And the longer we remain on the Social Media Hemisphere, the more you become detached from the reality you are alive in.Now- I need you to re-read a sentence back to yourself again that you breezed with ease through. “Your interest, dislikes and responses are all captured to help create…
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Title Theft

Title Theft

Articles, Tribe Members
Your Vital Documents Are Online In today’s time, so many of our trusted government offices have put our information online. This was happening before Covid hit us. By Grammy Pam / @Grammypam64Gill [shared_counts] In today’s time, so many of our trusted government offices have put our information online. This was happening before covid hit us. It started in 1990 in NC, when the state government started putting court records and real estate records online. Several factors were in play. Storage of old files and records was the number one reason why the digital push happened.Attorneys and other state offices wanted an easier option to obtain information than spending hours traveling to and from other offices. This filtered down stream to other related industries such as real estate firms, survey/engineering firms, and…
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Hello Caller, AI Is Listening

Hello Caller, AI Is Listening

Articles, Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Is AI Freeing Us or Trapping Us Part of our series Severed Conscience examines the use of AI to monitor our sentiments, as well as entrain responses into our psyche. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Technology, while a great equalizer and an enabler, can mask issues that we avoid addressing by reducing pain and effort.  The same technology that got us through COVID is causing us to avoid issues of erosion of relationships, to ignore skyrocketing cases of depression and suicide in children. Hello Caller, AI Is Listening There are many common sense considerations that are lost in the hype of AI as the savior of all things.  Some of this is due to numerous terms that are used interchangeably which foster confusion, and as with much of the tech…
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The Hidden Hand of The Tavistock Institute

The Hidden Hand of The Tavistock Institute

Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Our Children Lives Secret Lives Online. What Are They Really Connected To? This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc. By The Mighty HumanzeeContributors: OrangeZipple1 and Kelly Trowhill [shared_counts] There are guiding hands in our society that have remained on the periphery of public scrutiny, yet have been integral to shaping policy and have had access to public data for decades.  Their names are not familiar, yet they have been working as influencers and illuminaries for the sciences and human behavior and have created policy for decades.  The Tavistock Institute and its subsidiaries have been prevalent in the mental and social sciences since the 1920s, and have been at the forefront of research for the National…
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Blind Acceptance

Blind Acceptance

By Orange, Severed Conscience
This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc. By Orange [shared_counts] The History of Manipulation is a comparison to both the World and our Nation which had to be included to understand that even though it is 2023, we still find that leaders are choosing to use manipulative context, signs, and arrows that all point to what we define as a severing of the Conscience. Compliance and Fear used as a tool of choice and convenience was applied to move a variety of people, not just based on their personal beliefs but as well by age. We see this thru History which gives way to a silent but private form of consent that engages a slow hypnosis…
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