Show Notes:  New UN Controlled Environment

Show Notes: New UN Controlled Environment

Election Fraud, OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Severed Conscience, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream SoS Jocelyn Benson is directing county clerks to ignore federal election regulations and destroy votes.  And the UN, joining the WEF in urging complete surveillance is calling for the adoption of the Internet of Things to combat ...climate change.  Votes controlled, environment controlled.  How can you top that? Purposeful Warrior socialist agenda to destroy free elections is in [attacking] on all fronts.  Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has ordered clerks to destroy election poll data within 7 days.  This is at odds with federal regulation, but when the current idiocy offered in support of Benson's directive is "I don't want to be arrested for telling Clerks to keep their records." recently stated that she views herself as a Purposeful Warrior, and ignore the oxymoron in…
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It’s Not Science, Its DATA!

It’s Not Science, Its DATA!

By Orange, Severed Conscience
Data driven polls, Data driven survey’s, Data Driven Health, Data driven Experts.   By Orange It is all imposed onto you with the impression of helping the way we think about each other, our communities, ourselves and most importantly, our future. The Ai, ChatGPT, polling, surveys, clicks, likes and the list goes on, all generated to develop an Image of you. Your Interest, Dislikes and Responses are all captured to help create a world that you do not really know. And the longer we remain on the Social Media Hemisphere, the more you become detached from the reality you are alive in.Now- I need you to re-read a sentence back to yourself again that you breezed with ease through. “Your interest, dislikes and responses are all captured to help create…
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Hello Caller, AI Is Listening

Hello Caller, AI Is Listening

Articles, Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Is AI Freeing Us or Trapping Us Part of our series Severed Conscience examines the use of AI to monitor our sentiments, as well as entrain responses into our psyche. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Technology, while a great equalizer and an enabler, can mask issues that we avoid addressing by reducing pain and effort.  The same technology that got us through COVID is causing us to avoid issues of erosion of relationships, to ignore skyrocketing cases of depression and suicide in children. Hello Caller, AI Is Listening There are many common sense considerations that are lost in the hype of AI as the savior of all things.  Some of this is due to numerous terms that are used interchangeably which foster confusion, and as with much of the tech…
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The Hidden Hand of The Tavistock Institute

The Hidden Hand of The Tavistock Institute

Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Our Children Lives Secret Lives Online. What Are They Really Connected To? This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc. By The Mighty HumanzeeContributors: OrangeZipple1 and Kelly Trowhill [shared_counts] There are guiding hands in our society that have remained on the periphery of public scrutiny, yet have been integral to shaping policy and have had access to public data for decades.  Their names are not familiar, yet they have been working as influencers and illuminaries for the sciences and human behavior and have created policy for decades.  The Tavistock Institute and its subsidiaries have been prevalent in the mental and social sciences since the 1920s, and have been at the forefront of research for the National…
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Blind Acceptance

Blind Acceptance

By Orange, Severed Conscience
This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc. By Orange [shared_counts] The History of Manipulation is a comparison to both the World and our Nation which had to be included to understand that even though it is 2023, we still find that leaders are choosing to use manipulative context, signs, and arrows that all point to what we define as a severing of the Conscience. Compliance and Fear used as a tool of choice and convenience was applied to move a variety of people, not just based on their personal beliefs but as well by age. We see this thru History which gives way to a silent but private form of consent that engages a slow hypnosis…
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Our Children’s Lives, Online

Our Children’s Lives, Online

Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Our Children Lives Secret Lives Online. What Are They Really Connected To? This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc. By The Mighty HumanzeeContributors: OrangeZipple1 and Kelly Trowhill [shared_counts] What does the British East India Company have to do with how we raise our kids?  First let me describe what I see as a disturbing new norm, then I'll tie in the historical parallels to the title.   “Education is fundamental to sustaining an advanced society.”  That is the mantra we have had drilled into us for decades, no society can function without it in the modern world.  And we have adapted our lives to that concept as we have formed milestones and rituals around the 13 years…
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Severed Conscience:  The New Authoritarians

Severed Conscience: The New Authoritarians

Articles, Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Throughout History We Have Been Manipulated. Humanity's history is darkened by attempts to control expression and thought on a mass scale.  But what if a group of elite had tools to carry out persuasion that dictators could have have dreamed of? By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] One consistent requirement of utopian procedure is detachment of its subject from ordinary human affairs.  Acting with detached intelligence is what utopians are all about, but a biological puzzle intrudes:  detaching intelligence from emotional life isn’t really possible. John Taylor Gotto Contrasting the Formation of the Soviet Union with the Formation of COVID Amerika Tyrants and dictators have had many means to achieve mass control, resulting in the deaths of millions.  From the dark history of the Soviet Union we see how the brutality…
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Servered Conscience:  A Walk into Salem

Servered Conscience: A Walk into Salem

Articles, By Orange, Severed Conscience
[shared_counts] Massachusetts Bay was a colony in New England which became one of the thirteen original states of what would later be defined as the USA. It was chartered on October 7, 1691, by William III and Mary II, the joint monarchs of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and was based in the merging of several earlier British colonies in New England. During this time, a recorded event in Salem placed this small colony into History books. It would become the docket point of one phrase that has reemerged in America today, known as the “witch hunt”. While yes- Salem was one of many that was recorded, we must sit down and revisit a historical bias that killed 19 people. Not to just fathom the identity of what…
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Severed Conscience

Severed Conscience

Articles, By Orange, Severed Conscience
We as a Society have been driven to Fear. Not to question, instead to follow the narrative and report back to the institution that wants to inform you on whether you are conscious or unconscious to what surrounds you. By Orange [shared_counts]The hypothesis of this series that Zee, Kelly and I have immersed ourselves into since December has taken us to a new dimension of seeing past the paper cutouts of symbolism and superstition. It has led us to ask ourselves why the hell are we so hypnotized by this loud network that is surrounding us?In a very odd way, we have accepted a form of behavior in which a new standard that is established in the events of Covid19, 9/11 and other forms of engagement have reigned terror onto…
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Go Stand in a Crowd

Go Stand in a Crowd

Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
As a youth, my parents instructed me “don’t concern yourself with others, do your work, work harder than anyone else and you’ll succeed”.... By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] They also taught me “live and let live” and “resilient people will be carried forward by the truth”, as well as "Fine steel is forged”. Independence was the lesson they imparted. Our country favored those who understood the means in which a Nation was to thrive and remain free.To my mind this meant that while our society may flirt with ideals of collectivism, there was a yet strong thread of common sense that would gradually win the hearts and minds of people, bringing them back to their senses.  Americana is the mythos of common sense, courage and resilience that fuels our nation. Look at…
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