Are American's impressed with the Biden Administrations inconsistencies?
Two years into President Joe Biden’s tenure, more Americans feel a sense of unity in the United States…Really..??

” While fewer express concerns about political divisions”, according to a new LX News/YouGov poll.
……Yeah, that’s what they want you to understand. It’s never about the Logic- just the report. It’s there on paper- in your face telling you how wrong and unfair it is to have a different perception of Almighty BrainFart-who craps his pants when the Pressure of walking is overwhelming.
Yet, we’ve read about the BrainFart Joe for weeks on end. About how much of an Establishment Winner he is. But if you asked the Establishment about it- they’d hide themselves in any roach infested shack over in Mexico and cry for the people who “should matter” and that is Not You, America.
But look at it this way says Joe:

I just want to say-Im so proud of Joe for proclaiming that we went from saving 16 cents to now a 1.70, aren’t you?
But hold on-
I think I should be Thanking Putin- right? I Mean if I want be Politically Correct about where Real Credit is due, I should. So, thanks Putin for releasing the Gas Tax on American backs!
All jokes aside though- and we know Joe fits that bill- Americans are feeling the effects of a dollar seventy whether it’s in the gas tank, the table or the utility bill. So, you should be asking what the specialty behind that dollar bill and some change really means.
Meanwhile the other Radical Liar – yes, her name is a literal shout out- “Yellen” is delivering paper airplanes to the New House Speaker. Because she has nothing better to do besides demand rosy cheeks while telling CNN Fake Advisors about American prosperity- she is now demanding Congress to act on the current status of the debt ceiling. In a Letter to Kevin McCarthy she claims that the US has an outstanding debt and based on these circumstances. I am here to tell you that “extraordinary measures have begun”.

Isn’t that just the best Welcome mat ever? I mean, I bet McCarthy just giggled and blushed when he received this letter that clearly says “We are getting ready to ensure that whatever choices you make when it comes to passing Legislation. They will absolutely be used against you and every Lawmaker in this House. Oh and I am also making myself a Battleship and I’ve already Sunk you, RTard!”
And we thought that taking a stand against the mob was working during the House Vote a week or so ago?
You see, a great man once said “A house divided against itself cannot Stand.” That was June 16th, 1858- not January 1st 2023.
These words still really ring true to the effects of what America endures.
What Americans will painfully watch unfold.
And how our children will struggle to live a dream we once professed to be an Everlasting Freedom in this Nation.