The episode was NOT brought to you by Pfizer, Satan, nor the Democrap party.
House Keeping
Charity of the Month
From Molly and Grammy @isenbargermolly @grammypam64gill
Yes! Thank Blue for his tireless devotion to our heroes. He is one of my heroes for what he does for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. They will never be forgotten now. 🇺🇸🙏
— Molly (@IsenbargerMolly) February 8, 2023
Shout Outs
Wycked Wytch @wytch_wycked – Thanks for RTing us.
Listeria Outbreaks galore, 400 products recalled
#GreatErasure @Orangezipple1
— Grammy Loves Golf (@Grammypam64Gill) February 7, 2023
Over 400 Products Including Breakfast Sandwiches, Fruits, Recalled Amid Potential Listeria Contamination https://t.co/59Awu4q4jf
Rationed State Article published last year on StudioHumanzee.com as part of Rationed State Documentary
Compromised immune systems are a primary reason why people are freaking out.
My Beautiful CCP Balloon
Many claim it happened to Trump, yet principle admin not informed.
The fact three Chinese balloons entered US airspace under Trump but were never publicly discussed let alone shot down makes me think there’s more going on. Until 2020 the US had a program that allowed participants, including Russia, to spy on each other to reduce the risk of war. pic.twitter.com/McwGo12BA6
— Pedro L. Gonzalez (@emeriticus) February 5, 2023
N Dakota Town vows to stop China Corn mill, fed govt silent, no assistance.
Brought You to By Pfizer
Wind farms on Jersey Shore Disrupting Whales
CDC Is Lying to us, not about COVID, but about Gun Violence (from Grammy)
@HZardoz @Orangezipple1 @dkdk459 @pvtjokerus https://t.co/y8unQUGfLX
— Grammy Loves Golf (@Grammypam64Gill) February 1, 2023
John’s Tweet About Latest Mask Study
CDC Mask reference: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/types-of-masks.html
Book Mentioned by John: Death In the Long Grass by Peter Hathaway Capstick
Amazon: https://a.co/d/6dgoeal
China Isa Assahoe
Trump never trusted China and he was the only one who stood up to CCP. pic.twitter.com/ktoM4t2fG5
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) February 4, 2023
Song: Tenacious D Karate