While Severed Conscience will trap you, a home celebration will free you. Celebrations, food are all part of embracing life. Family is the key. It is THE haven against what is constructed to confine us.

What Lifts Your Heart?
There is rare chance that we can only hope to have, and that is a family and community to treasure. It starts with family, and celebrating the years you have spent with your loved ones is the mark of a blessed life.
And it is the thing we seem to neglect the most. We are engaged in many things in life, matters that take us away from our main source of strength. It can be a mom or a dad taking an extra job because they need the money to support a family, those times away can be justified with “this is for them, I do this for them”. Many times that is necessary. And there are times when that can become an excuse for not taking time away and just being with a child. “I have to work” is offered because there is such novelty at work, there is such a lure because you are with people that “get” you.
What occupies your mind? Is it the state of our country, and how focused are you on what is developing? Now ask yourself if you can uncouple from that and have a physical presence with a family member. Does you concern for what’s happening become an obsession that robs you of the joy of getting ready for a celebration with your loved ones?
Impractical Feats of Hospitality
What about this for a new theory? You are the best expression of yourself when you forget about “you” and are busy getting things ready for others. Those moments when folks are arriving and you haven’t swept the floor yet because you are still pulling things off the grill clear your mind. Are you wondering whether Tulsi Gabbard or Kristi Noem are rising in the poles or are you worried that you don’t have enough ribs? How about witnessing your kids take the torch and say “Dad, I got this. I need to you to do this for me instead”? Is that a culmination of things from a longer investment?